cBench commands

After installing cBench you can use the following commands:

Setup and low-level access

Check the client version

cb version

Update client dependencies (CK components)

cb update

Setup the cKnowledge account

Setup your cKnowledge account to be able to publish new components and participate in crowd-benchmarking.

cb setup --help

You can register your cKnowledge account here and get your username and api_key here.

You can then setup your cKnowledge account as follows:

cb setup --username="{above username}" --api_key="{above key}"

Test the login

Test the login to the cKnowledge portal

cb login --help

After you setup your account you can test the login as follows:

cb login

access CID:ck component identifier (repo UOA:)module UOA:data UOA start Start the client to communicate with the cKnowledge portal

Access the open cKnowledge API

Test the low-level access to the open cknow.io JSON API.

cb access --help

You can access the cKnowledge JSON API using input JSON file as follows:

cb access --filename=input.json

You can also write JSON dictionary in the command line while substituting with :

cb access --json="{'action':'login'}"

Start the local server

Run internal server on a user machine to automate the communication with the cKnowledge portal.

cb start

Note that you need to add flag “-h” if you start it from Docker:

cb start -h

See the demo of cBench communicating with the cKnowledge portal to crowd-benchmark MLPerf.

CK components

Download components

Download a given CK component to your local CK repository.

cb download --help

You can download a given CK component from the cKnowledge portal with a given version using the following command:

cb download {module name}:{data name} (--version=1.0.0)

For example, you can download SSD-mobilenet package:

cb download package:model-tf-mlperf-ssd-mobilenet --version=1.0.0

You can use wildcards in the names of the CK components.

If this component already exists you can overwrite it by adding the flag “–force” or “-f”.

You can download the CK component with all related dependencies by adding the flag “–all” or “-a”. For example you can download program:cbench-automotive-susan with all related components and related data sets, and then immediately compile and run it as follows:

cb download program:cbench-automotive-susan --all
cb download dataset:* --tags="image,dataset"

ck compile program:cbench-automotive-susan --speed
ck run program:cbench-automotive-susan

Publish components

Publish/update CK component on the cKnowledge portal.

cb publish --help

You need to register at the cKnowledge portal (similar to PyPI or GitHub) to publish your components or update existing ones as described here.

When you create new CK components or update existing ones, you can then publish the stable version on the cKnowledge portal as follows:

cb publish {module name}:{data name} --version={version}

You can check the latest version of a given component at the cKnowledge portal as follows:

cb versions {module name}:{data name}

You can specify extra options describing your component:

 --author TEXT
 --author_id TEXT
 --copyright TEXT
 --license TEXT
 --source TEXT

You can mark your component as permanent using the flag “–permanent”. In such case, it will be impossible to delete it (concept similar to Zenodo, FigShare and other permanent archives).

You can make this component private by specifying the flag “–private”. In such case, it will be only visible to you.

List versions of a given component

List versions of a given CK component at the cKnowledge portal.

cb versions --help

You can list all shared versions of a given CK component shared at the cKnowledge portal as follows:

cb versions {module name}:{data name}

Open a cKnowledge web page with a given component

Open a cknow.io web page with a given component.

cb open {module name}:{data name}

Delete components

Delete CK components on the cKnowledge portal.

cb delete --help

You can delete your own components if they are not marked permanent as follows:

cb delete {module name}:{data name}

cKnowledge dashboards

The cKnowledge portal supports customizable dashboards to support MLSysOps, collaborative experimentation, and live research papers.

Initialize a cKnowledge graph

Create a new dashboard on the portal.

cb init-graph --help

You can check examples of public cKnowledge dashboards here. You can then create your own one as follows:

cb init-graph {some name for your dashboard} --version={version of your dashboard} --desc_file="$PWD/graph-desc.json"

Here is the example of the “graph-desc.json” to aggregate results from this MLPerf crowd-benchmarking solution:

    "default_key_x": "avg_time_ms",
    "default_key_y": "mAP",
    "default_sort_key": "avg_time_ms",
    "table_view": [
      {"key": "platform_info", "name": "Platform info", "json_and_pre": "yes", "skip_pre": "yes"},
      {"key": "resolved_deps", "name": "Resolved deps", "json_and_pre": "yes", "skip_pre": "yes"},
      {"key": "avg_fps", "type":"float", "format": "%.2f", "name": "Average FPS"},
      {"key": "avg_time_ms", "type":"float", "format": "%.2f", "name": "Average time (ms.)"},
      {"key": "detection_time_avg_s", "type":"float", "format": "%.2f", "name": "Detection time (average, sec.)"},
      {"key": "detection_time_total_s", "type":"float", "format": "%.2f", "name": "Detection time (total, sec.)"},
      {"key": "graph_load_time_s", "type":"float", "format": "%.2f", "name": "Graph load time (sec.)"},
      {"key": "images_load_time_avg_s", "type":"float", "format": "%.2f", "name": "Images load time (average, sec.)"},
      {"key": "images_load_time_total_s", "type":"float", "format": "%.2f", "name": "Images load time (total, sec.)"},
      {"key": "mAP", "type":"float", "format": "%.2f", "name": "mAP"},
      {"key": "metrics#DetectionBoxes_Precision/mAP", "type":"float", "format": "%.2f", "name": "Detection Boxes Precision mAP"},
      {"key": "metrics#DetectionBoxes_Precision/mAP (large)", "type":"float", "format": "%.2f", "name": "Detection Boxes Precision mAP (large)"},
      {"key": "metrics#DetectionBoxes_Precision/mAP (medium)", "type":"float", "format": "%.2f", "name": "Detection Boxes Precision mAP (medium)"},
      {"key": "metrics#DetectionBoxes_Precision/mAP (small)", "type":"float", "format": "%.2f", "name": "Detection Boxes Precision mAP (small)"},
      {"key": "metrics#DetectionBoxes_Precision/mAP@.50IOU", "type":"float", "format": "%.2f", "name": "Detection Boxes Precision mAP (.50 IOU)"},
      {"key": "metrics#DetectionBoxes_Precision/mAP@.75IOU", "type":"float", "format": "%.2f", "name": "Detection Boxes Precision mAP (.75 IOU)"},
      {"key": "metrics#DetectionBoxes_Recall/AR@1", "type":"float", "format": "%.2f", "name": "Detection Boxes Recall AR@1"},
      {"key": "metrics#DetectionBoxes_Recall/AR@10", "type":"float", "format": "%.2f", "name": "Detection Boxes Recall AR@10"},
      {"key": "metrics#DetectionBoxes_Recall/AR@100", "type":"float", "format": "%.2f", "name": "Detection Boxes Recall AR@100"},
      {"key": "metrics#DetectionBoxes_Recall/AR@100 (large)", "type":"float", "format": "%.2f", "name": "Detection Boxes Recall AR@100 (large)"},
      {"key": "metrics#DetectionBoxes_Recall/AR@100 (medium)", "type":"float", "format": "%.2f", "name": "Detection Boxes Recall AR@100 (medium)"},
      {"key": "metrics#DetectionBoxes_Recall/AR@100 (small)", "type":"float", "format": "%.2f", "name": "Detection Boxes Recall AR@100 (small)"},
      {"key": "recall", "type":"float", "format": "%.2f", "name": "Recall"},
      {"key": "setup_time_s", "type":"float", "format": "%.2f", "name": "Setup time (sec.)"},
      {"key": "test_time_s", "type":"float", "format": "%.2f", "name": "Test time (sec.)"},
      {"key": "solution_run_date", "type":"string", "format": "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", "name": "Start date"},
      {"key": "solution_duration", "type":"float", "format": "%.2f", "name": "Total bechmark time (sec.)"}

Push results

Push results to existing dashboards.

cb push-result --help

First, you need to check the meta description of a given graph (dashboard or scoreboard) using the link “graph meta description”.

You can push the new results to the existing dashboard as follows:

cb push-result {name of the existing dashboard} --json="[{'key1':value1,'key2':value2 ...}]"

You can find the format of accepted values for keys in the “table_view” list in the graph meta description.

You can also push multiple blobs of results at the saemt time:

cb push-result {name of the existing dashboard} --json="[{'x':3,'y':-3}, {'x':4, 'y':5}]"


cb push-result {name of the existing dashboard} --filename="$PWD/result.json"

where “result.json” contains a list of dictionaries with results.

cKnowledge solutions

The client can help to initialize, download, test and run AI/ML solutions across diverse platforms as shown in this demo.

Download and initialize the existing solution

Download existing or start the new cKnowledge solution

cb init --help

You can download existing solution from this list as follows:

cb init demo-obj-detection-coco-tf-cpu-benchmark-linux-portable-workflows

Note that cBench will attempt to automatically download all required CK components (models, data sets, frameworks, packages, etc) and install missing software dependencies. However, the installation of system packages is not yet automated and must be done manually (our future work).

Run a solution

Run initialized solution

cb run --help

After a given solution is initialized on a user machine, it is possible to run it as follows:

cb run {name of the solution}

For example, it is possible to run the MLPerf inference benchmarking solution as follows:

cb init demo-obj-detection-coco-tf-cpu-benchmark-linux-portable-workflows

Benchmark a solution

Crowd-benchmark the solution and share results on a cKnowledge dashboard

cb benchmark --help

When a given solution is initialized and can run on a given machine, it is possible to participate in crowd-benchmarking and share results (speed, accuracy, energy, costs and other exposed characteristics) using cKnowledge dashboards similar to SETI@home.

Do not forget to setup your cKnowledge account using “cb setup” before participating in crowd-benchmarking.

For example, it is possible to participate in collaborative validation of MLPerf inference benchmarking as follows:

cb benchmark demo-obj-detection-coco-tf-cpu-benchmark-linux-portable-workflows

You can view the crowd-benchmarked results and compare with the official ones at this public cKnowledge dashboard.

We are also working on a user-friendly GUI to enable MLSysOps and monitor ML in production.

Activate a virtual environment for the solution

Activate virtual environment for a given solution

cb activate --help

After a given solution is initialized, all required software is detected and all missing packages are installed, it is possible to activate the virtual environment for this solution to continue testing and debugging it as follows:

cb activate {name of the solution}


cb activate demo-obj-detection-coco-tf-cpu-benchmark-linux-portable-workflows

You can then use CK as well as cBench to improve/update this solution.

We plan to provide a tutorial about that.

List local solutions

You can list all local solutions using the following command:

cb ls

Find local solutions

You can find the place where a given local solution is initialized together with all the components and a virtual environment as follows:

cb find {name of the solution}


cb find demo-obj-detection-coco-tf-cpu-benchmark-linux-portable-workflows

Delete local solutions

You can delete a locally initialized solution as follows:

cb rm {name of the solution}


cb rm demo-obj-detection-coco-tf-cpu-benchmark-linux-portable-workflows

Create a new solution

To be updated

At the moment it is possible to create a portable CK solution from CK program pipelines. We plan to add a possibility to create a CK solution for any workflow.

You can follow this real example to automate the MLPerf inference benchmark submissions. It shows how to create a CK solution to prepare object classification benchmark with Intel OpenVINO, SSD-Mobilenet, COCO data set and 500 images.

First you need to create a public scoreboard as described above. You can initialize such scoreboard using this script and this graph meta description.

If you want to push crowd results to an existing dashboard, you need to create graph-convertor.json.

After that you need to create two text files:

  • prereq.txt describing all OS-specific prerequisites

  • prepare.txt describing CK components and installation procedures.

Finally, you need to initialize your solution as show in this sample script.

If you successfully initialized this solution on your machine, you can then push it to the cknow.io platform as shown in this sample script.

We plan to considerably improve this section. If you have questions or suggestions, do not hesitate to get in touch.