cBench Python package


cbench.client module

class cbench.client.ThreadedHTTPServer(server_address, RequestHandlerClass, bind_and_activate=True)[source]

Bases: socketserver.ThreadingMixIn, http.server.HTTPServer

Input: {

http - Python http object


Output: { None }

class cbench.client.server_handler(request, client_address, server)[source]

Bases: http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler

Input: Python http handler Output: None

log_error(format, *args)[source]

Log an error.

This is called when a request cannot be fulfilled. By default it passes the message on to log_message().

Arguments are the same as for log_message().

XXX This should go to the separate error log.

log_request(code='-', size='-')[source]

Log an accepted request.

This is called by send_response().

Input: {

http - http object type - content type bin - bytes to output


Output: {

return - 0


Input: {

http - http object type - content type bin - bytes to output (filename) - if !=’’, substitute filename in headers


Output: {

return - 0


cbench.comm module

Input: {
(filename) [str] - load JSON from this file


(json) [str] - parse JSON string from command line (use ‘ instead of “)


(dict) [dict] - dictionary to send to the cK API


Output: {

return [int] - return code = 0 if success or >0 if error (error) [str] - error string if return>0


Input: {

url [str] - full URL for a file to download file [dict] - file to save


Output: {

return [int] - return code = 0 if success or >0 if error (error) [str] - error string if return>0

file_size - size of retreived file


Input: {

action [str] - remote API action name config [dict] - configuration for remote server dict [dict] - dict to send to remote server ownership [dict] - info about user ownership


Output: {

return [int] - return code = 0 if success or >0 if error (error) [str] - error string if return>0


cbench.comm_min module

Input: {

action [str] - remote API action name url [str] - URL dict [dict] - dict to send to remote server


Output: {

return [int] - return code = 0 if success or >0 if error (error) [str] - error string if return>0


cbench.config module

Input: {


Output: {

return [int] - return code = 0 if success or >0 if error (error) [str] - error string if return>0

path [str] - path to work dir


Input: {


Output: {

return [int] - return code = 0 if success or >0 if error (error) [str] - error string if return>0

dict [dict] - configuration dictionary path [str] - path to CK cfg entry


Input: {

(force) [bool] - if True, force update


Output: {

return [int] - return code = 0 if success or >0 if error (error) [str] - error string if return>0


cbench.graph module

Input: {

uid [str] - graph identifyer (version) [str] - graph version (desc_file) [str] - file with graph description (tags) [str] - tags separated by comma


Output: {

return [int] - return code = 0 if success or >0 if error (error) [str] - error string if return>0

dict [dict] - configuration dictionary path [str] - path to CK cfg entry


Input: {

uid [str] - graph identifyer (version) [str] - graph version (filename) [str] - JSON file with results (json) [str] - JSON string from command line (use ‘ instead of “) (point) [str] - specific point name to add/update


Output: {

return [int] - return code = 0 if success or >0 if error (error) [str] - error string if return>0

dict [dict] - configuration dictionary path [str] - path to CK cfg entry


cbench.main module


cbench.obj module

Input: {

cid [str] - CK CID of format (repo UOA:)module UOA:data UOA


Output: {

return [int] - return code = 0 if success or >0 if error (error) [str] - error string if return>0


Input: {
components - pre-loaded components from bootstrapping


cid [str] - CK CID of format (repo UOA:)module UOA:data UOA

(can use wildcards)

(version) [str] - assign version (force) [bool] - if True, force download even if components already exists

(tags) [str] - can search by tags (usually soft/package)

(all) [bool] - if True, download dependencies (without force!)


Output: {

return [int] - return code = 0 if success or >0 if error (error) [str] - error string if return>0


Input: {

cid [str] - CK CID of format (repo UOA:)module UOA:data UOA


Output: {

return [int] - return code = 0 if success or >0 if error (error) [str] - error string if return>0


Input: {
cid [str] - CK CID of format (repo UOA:)module UOA:data UOA

(can use wildcards)

(tags) [str] - search multiple CK components by these tags separated by comma (version) [str] - assign version


Output: {

return [int] - return code = 0 if success or >0 if error (error) [str] - error string if return>0


Input: {

cid [str] - CK CID of format (repo UOA:)module UOA:data UOA


Output: {

return [int] - return code = 0 if success or >0 if error (error) [str] - error string if return>0


cbench.setup module

Input: {

(username) [str] (api_key) [str] (server_url) [str] (server_user) [str] (server_pass) [str] (server_skip_validation) [str]


Output: {

return [int] - return code = 0 if success or >0 if error (error) [str] - error string if return>0


Input: {


Output: {

return [int] - return code = 0 if success or >0 if error (error) [str] - error string if return>0


cbench.solution module

Input: {

uid [str] - portal identifier of the solution


Output: {

return [int] - return code = 0 if success or >0 if error (error) [str] - error string if return>0


Input: {

uid [str] - Portal identifier of the solution


Output: {

return [int] - return code = 0 if success or >0 if error (error) [str] - error string if return>0


Input: {

deps - resolved deps


Output: {
return - return code = 0, if successful

> 0, if error

(error) - error text if return > 0

deps_summary - summary of deps


Input: {

uid [str] - Portal identifier of the solution


Output: {

return [int] - return code = 0 if success or >0 if error (error) [str] - error string if return>0


Input: {

uid [str] - platform identifier of the solution


Output: {

return [int] - return code = 0 if success or >0 if error (error) [str] - error string if return>0


Input: {

(uid) [str] - portal identifier of the solution (can have wiledcards)


Output: {

return [int] - return code = 0 if success or >0 if error (error) [str] - error string if return>0


Input: {

uid [str] - portal identifier of the solution


Output: {

return [int] - return code = 0 if success or >0 if error (error) [str] - error string if return>0


Input: {

uid [str] - Portal identifier of the solution


Output: {

return [int] - return code = 0 if success or >0 if error (error) [str] - error string if return>0


Input: {

uid [str] - Portal identifier of the solution


Output: {

return [int] - return code = 0 if success or >0 if error (error) [str] - error string if return>0


Module contents