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script:setup (v3.0.0)
Copyright: See copyright in the source repository
License: See license in the source repository
Creation date: 2020-08-07
Source: GitHub
cID: 84e27ad9dd12e734:6299f4c060678a0f

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CK-OpenVINO workflows


Set up system-level dependencies

Setting up system-level requires running system-specific scripts with superuser privileges (or under sudo).

Ubuntu 18.04

$ sudo ./

Amazon Linux 2

$ sudo ./

Set up user-space dependencies

Setting up user-space dependencies requires running the following script:

$ ./

Set up the ImageNet validation dataset (for ResNet)

Register ImageNet with CK

Unfortunately, ImageNet can no longer be automatically downloaded. If you have a copy of ImageNet in e.g. /datasets/dataset-imagenet-ilsvrc2012-val/, you can register it with CK as follows:

$ ck detect soft:dataset.imagenet.val \

Create a calibration dataset

Choose one of the two calibration options with a tag: mlperf.option1 or mlperf.option2:

$ ck install package --tags=dataset,imagenet,cal,mlperf.option1

Copy labels to ImageNet (as expected by the program)

$ cp `ck locate env --tags=aux`/val.txt /datasets/dataset-imagenet-ilsvrc2012-val




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