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script:save-restore-repos (v3.0.0)
Copyright: See copyright in the source repository
License: See license in the source repository
Creation date: 2018-09-12
Source: GitHub
cID: 84e27ad9dd12e734:e9eaae1e6e729eff

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Save/restore CK repositories

The bash scripts in this directory can be used to migrate all CK repositories from one machine to another one. While standard repositories (e.g. ck-env) can simply be pulled from GitHub, users often accumulate some local repositories (e.g. with experimental data). Moreover, even standard repositories can contain valuable local modifications which users might want to preserve.


To backup local CK repositories, please specify their location via the CK_REPOS environment variable (if it is not defined already). If CK_REPOS is not defined, the script tries $HOME/CK and $HOME/ck` (in this order).

Also, please specify the target directory via the CK_BACKUP environment variable. This directory must exist e.g.

$ export CK_BACKUP=$HOME/ck-backup
$ mkdir $CK_BACKUP

Run the save script:

$ cd `ck find ck-env:script:save-restore-repos`
$ ./
Archiving CK repositories in '/home/anton/CK_REPOS/' to '/home/anton/ck-backup/' ...

- archiving 'ck-analytics' into '/home/anton/ck-backup/':
Total size:
24M     /home/anton/ck-backup






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