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script:object-detection (v3.0.0)
Copyright: See copyright in the source repository
License: See license in the source repository
Creation date: 2019-03-29
Source: GitHub
cID: 84e27ad9dd12e734:24c98b0cee248d93

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Common scripts for benchmarking programs

Common preprocessing and postprocessing scripts to be used in benchmarking programs such as ck-tensorflow:program:object-detection-tflite, etc.

A client program has to reference scripts in its meta in the section run_time, e.g.:

  "run_cmds": {
    "default": {
      "run_time": {
        "pre_process_via_ck": {
          "data_uoa":       "24c98b0cee248d93",
          "module_uoa":     "script",
          "script_name":    "preprocess"
        "post_process_via_ck": {
          "data_uoa":       "24c98b0cee248d93",
          "module_uoa":     "script",
          "script_name":    "postprocess"

        "run_cmd_main": "$#BIN_FILE#$",

It is supposed that the client program provides required enviroment variables and dependencies with suitable names that scripts will search for.


The preprocessing script prepares images for a client program.

Preprocessing steps:

  • Read the required number of images from a dataset. The number of images is governed by program parameters CK_BATCH_COUNT and CK_BATCH_SIZE.

  • Prepare images for loading into a model. Preparation includes scaling images to a size defined by the input images size of the model being benchmarked. See the section Input preprocessing parameters below.

  • Store prepared images into a cache directory.

As a result, the preprocessing script provides a set of variables (in separate env.ini file) that a client program should use:

  • MODEL_DATASET_TYPE - point to dataset type which the model was trained on (coco for example)
  • MODEL_TFLITE_GRAPH - path to model's .tflite file
  • MODEL_IMAGE_CHANNELS - number of color channels in image. Default value: 3
  • MODEL_IMAGE_HEIGHT, MODEL_IMAGE_WIDTH - the sizes of an image, which it should have to be processed on by the model
  • MODEL_NEED_BACKGROUND_CORRECTION - indicate that model don't consider "background" class (True or False)
  • MODEL_NORMALIZE_DATA - indicate that image should be "normalized" before processing (True or False)
  • MODEL_SUBTRACT_MEAN - indicate that operation "subtract mean" should be executed on the image before processing

  • DETECTIONS_OUT_DIR - path to results of detections (text files, one per image)

  • PREPROCESS_OUT_DIR - path to a directory containing preprocessed images.
  • PREPROCESSED_FILES - path to a file containing list of images to be processed with their original sizes file.mame;width;height. This file contains only image file names without paths.

  • IMAGE_COUNT - count of images which will be taken from dataset to process. Default value: 1.

  • BATCH_SIZE - size of batch (number of images that can be processed "simultaneously"). Now batch processing by TF Lite is not supporting. Should be: 1

  • NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS - indicate how many threads TF Lite can use to process images. Default value: 1.

  • FULL_REPORT - additional logging level (True or False)
  • VERBOSE - maximal logging level (True or False)

Program-specific preprocessing

A client program may contain its own additional preprocessing script If it exists, it will be called after the common preprocessing.

Images dataset

A client program should provide access to the dataset via run-time dependency dataset, e.g.:

  "run_deps": {
    "dataset": {
      "local": "yes",
      "name": "Object detection dataset",
      "sort": 20,
      "tags": "dataset,object-detection"

Weights package

The model for benchmarking is provided by a client program's run-time dependency weights, e.g.:

  "run_deps": {
    "weights": {
      "force_target_as_host": "yes",
      "local": "yes",
      "name": "TensorFlow model",
      "sort": 60,
      "tags": "ssd,tflite,model,object-detection"

Program parameters

Here we describe a client program's parameters affecting the pre/post-processig stages.

Input image parameters


The number of processed images

Default: 1.


The number of images which will be skiped before processed images

Default: 0.




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