
program:object-detection-tf-py-codereef (v1.0.2)
Creation date: 2017-07-15
Source: GitHub
cID: b0ac08fe1d3c2615:bd32794dd0b843ed

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This portable workflow is our attempt to provide a common CLI with Python JSON API and a JSON meta description to automatically detect or install required components (models, data sets, libraries, frameworks, tools), and then build, run, validate, benchmark and auto-tune the associated method (program) across diverse models, datasets, compilers, platforms and environments. Our on-going project is to make the onboarding process as simple as possible via this platform. Please check this CK white paper and don't hesitate to contact us if you have suggestions or feedback!
  • Automation framework: CK
  • Development repository: ck-tensorflow-codereef
  • Source: GitHub
  • Available command lines:
    • ck run program:object-detection-tf-py-codereef --cmd_key=default (META)
  • Support for host OS: any
  • Support for target OS: any
  • Tags: object-detection,tf,lang-python,codereef-workflow,codereef-workflow-webcam
  • Template: Object Detection via TensorFlow (Python)
  • How to get the stable version via the client:
    pip install cbench
    cb download program:object-detection-tf-py-codereef --version=1.0.2 --all
    ck run program:object-detection-tf-py-codereef
  • How to get the development version:
    pip install ck
    ck pull repo --url=https://github.com/code-reef/ck-tensorflow-codereef
    ck run program:object-detection-tf-py-codereef

  • CLI and Python API: module:program
  • Dependencies    


    TensorFlow program for Object Detection

    1. Setup
    2. Usage
    3. Adding new models


    Install CK

    Please follow the CK installation instructions.

    Pull CK repositories

    $ ck pull repo:ck-tensorflow

    Install TensorFlow

    Install TensorFlow v1.14 from source (built with Bazel):

    $ ck install package --tags=lib,tensorflow,v1.14,vsrc,vcpu

    or from a binary x86_64 package (installed via pip):

    $ ck install package --tags=lib,tensorflow,v1.14,vprebuilt,vcpu

    Replace vcpu with vcuda to install TensorFlow with GPU support.

    Or you can choose interactively from any available version of TensorFlow:

    $ ck install package --tags=lib,tensorflow

    Install TensorFlow models

    $ ck install package --tags=tensorflow,model,api

    Install one or more object detection model package:

    $ ck install package --tags=model,tf,object-detection --no_tags=deprecated
    More than one package or version found:
     0) model-tf-ssd-resnet50-fpn-coco  Version 20180703  (09baac5e6f931db2)
     1) model-tf-faster-rcnn-resnet101-kitti  Version 20170714  (36131254c4390390)
     2) model-tf-yolo-v3-coco  Version reference  (804598aedce689d7)
     3) model-tf-ssdlite-mobilenetv2-kitti  Version reference  (45ed13bcc31c47b6)
     4) model-tf-ssdlite-mobilenetv2-coco  Version reference  (4214ad911ef4c27d)
     5) model-tf-ssd-mobilenetv1-fpn-coco  Version reference  (eddc13966e0464f9)
     6) model-tf-ssd-inceptionv2-coco  Version reference  (b52f64ae9aede4dd)
     7) model-tf-mlperf-ssd-mobilenet-quantized-finetuned  Version finetuned  (9e5de6f4f46b0da0)
     8) model-tf-mlperf-ssd-mobilenet  Version reference  (4134959be0eb9044)
     9) model-tf-faster-rcnn-resnet50-lowproposals-coco  Version reference  (640458144a59763d)
    10) model-tf-faster-rcnn-resnet101-lowproposals-coco  Version reference  (38551054ceabf2e2)
    11) model-tf-faster-rcnn-nas-lowproposals-kitti  Version reference  (b34f0bb0f9ebe5b9)
    12) model-tf-faster-rcnn-nas-lowproposals-coco  Version reference  (7bb51088c44c2b80)
    13) model-tf-faster-rcnn-nas-coco  Version reference  (ec32e4a0ead6dfad)
    14) model-tf-faster-rcnn-inceptionv2-coco  Version reference  (c3513486696387c2)
    15) model-tf-faster-rcnn-inception-resnetv2-atrous-lowproposals-coco  Version reference  (827991e9114dc991)

    Models with the coco suffix are trained on the COCO dataset. See more information on their accuracy and CK packages here. Models with the kitti suffix are trained or finetuned on the KITTI dataset.

    Install datasets


    $ ck install package --tags=dataset,object-detection,coco
    More than one package or version found:
     0) dataset-coco-2017-val  Version 2017  (04622c746f287473)
     1) dataset-coco-2014-val  Version 2014  (4330ea8a9b47ac90)


    $ ck install package --tags=dataset,object-detection,kitti
    More than one package or version found:
     0) KITTI (min)  Version min  (ed443ec82e60b5b5)
     1) KITTI (full)  Version full  (afb43a918fa8758c)

    NB: If you have installed the COCO or KITTI datasets a while ago, you should probably renew them:

    $ ck refresh env:{dataset-env-uoa}

    where dataset-env-uoa is one of the env identifiers returned by:

    $ ck show env --tags=dataset,kitti
    $ ck show env --tags=dataset,coco


    Run the program

    $ ck run program:object-detection-tf-py

    Program parameters


    Specifies if the model comes from the TF model zoo or from another source. A model from somewhere else needs to have some functions reimplemented, as explained below.

    Possible values: 0,1 Default: 0


    Specifies if the image batch processing feature has to be activated or not.

    Possible values: 0,1 Default: 0


    The number of images to be processed in a single batch, and the number of batches to process. The total number of images processed is the product of these two parameters.

    Possible values: any positive integer Default: 1


    Enables the TensorRT backend if the installed TensorFlow library supports it. (Currently, build TensorFlow with CUDA support from sources with the --env.CK_TF_NEED_TENSORRT="YES" flag.)

    Possible values: 0,1 Default: 0


    Enables the TensorRT dynamic mode.

    Possible values: 0,1 Default: 0


    These parameters can be used to resize at runtime the input images to a different size than the default for the model. This usually decreases the accuracy.

    Possible values: any positive integer Default: Model-specific (set by CK)


    Save processed images with detected boxes overlaid on top.

    Possible values: YES, NO Default: NO


    The way to calculate metrics.

    Available values:


    Use the evaluation method from the TF models repository for Pascal VOC, adapted to the KITTI dataset.


    Use the evaluation method from the official MSCOCO evaluation protocol implemented as the CK package ck-env:package:tool-coco. Default for dataset-coco-*.


    Use the evaluation method from the TF models repository implemented as the CK package ck-tensorflow:package:tensorflowmodel-api.

    VOC (TBD)

    Default for dataset-voc-*

    OID (TBD)

    Default for dataset-oid-*

    If the parameter is not set, then the tool specific for the selected dataset will be used.


    Percentage of the GPU memory used by the program

    Possible values: any integer between 1 and 100 Default: 50

    Adding new models

    The program works with TF models represented as CK packages with tags model,tf,object-detection. Essentially, each package contains JSON metadata and possibly some files. Adding a standardized model from the TF model zoo is straightforward, while adding a custom model is a bit more involved.

    Adding a standardized model

    The easiest way to add a new standardized model from the TF zoo is to create a copy of an existing package e.g.:

    $ ck cp ck-object-detection:package:model-tf-faster-rcnn-nas-coco <repo_name>:package:<model_name>

    and then update .cm/meta.json in the copy.

    The most important changes to do are in the install_env and tags sections as illustrated below (you need to update anything in angular brackets <...>):

      "check_exit_status": "yes",
      "customize": {
        "extra_dir": "",
        "install_env": {
          "DATASET_TYPE": "coco",
          "DEFAULT_WIDTH": "<your model image width>",
          "DEFAULT_HEIGHT": "<your model image height>",
          "FROZEN_GRAPH": "frozen_inference_graph.pb", 
          "LABELMAP_FILE": "mscoco_label_map.pbtxt",
          "MODEL_NAME": "<your model name>",
          "PACKAGE_NAME": "<your model tarball>.tar.gz",
          "PACKAGE_NAME1": "<your model tarball without extension>",
          "PACKAGE_URL": "<url of the package>",
          "PIPELINE_CONFIG": "pipeline.config",
          "WEIGHTS_FILE": "model.ckpt"
        "model_id": "<model id>",
        "no_os_in_suggested_path": "yes",
        "no_ver_in_suggested_path": "yes",
        "version": "reference"
      "deps": {
        "labelmap": {
          "local": "yes",
          "name": "Labelmap for COCO dataset",
          "tags": "labelmap,vcoco"
      "end_full_path": {
        "linux": "frozen_inference_graph.pb"
      "only_for_host_os_tags": [
      "only_for_target_os_tags": [
      "package_extra_name": " (Object Detection <your model name>)",
      "process_script": "install",
      "soft_uoa": "3fc0c4b9ba63de2f",
      "suggested_path": "<your model installation path>",
      "tags": [
        "<model tags>",
        "<other tags>,
      "use_scripts_from_another_entry": {
        "data_uoa": "c412930408fb8271",
        "module_uoa": "script"

    Adding a custom model

    The easiest way to add a new custom model is to create a copy of an existing custom model package e.g. YOLO-v3:

    $ ck cp ck-object-detection:package:model-tf-yolo-v3-coco <repo_name>:package:<model_name>

    You need to update .cm/meta.json in the copy as above. You also need to provide custom functions in two files called custom_hooks.py and custom_tensorRT.py. Follow the README in the example YOLO-v3 package.




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