$ ck compile program:mnist-armnn-tf # compile reference implementation (works on Intel)
$ ck compile program:mnist-armnn-tf --env.USE_NEON # compile for using CPU acceleration (Arm only)
$ ck compile program:mnist-armnn-tf --env.USE_OPENCL # compile for using GPU acceleration (Arm only)
$ ck compile program:mnist-armnn-tf --env.USE_NEON --env.USE_OPENCL # compile for using both CPU and GPU acceleration
parameters during compilation) :$ ck run program:mnist-armnn-tf --env.CK_FILE_NUMBER=0 # run reference implementation (works on Intel)
$ ck run program:mnist-armnn-tf --env.USE_NEON # run for using CPU acceleration (Arm only)
$ ck run program:mnist-armnn-tf --env.USE_OPENCL --env.CK_FILE_NUMBER=0 # run for using GPU acceleration (Arm only)
$ ck run program:mnist-armnn-tf --env.USE_NEON --env.USE_OPENCL # run for using both CPU and GPU acceleration
is the file number in MNIST dataset (0..9999)