This program uses a statically linked TensorFlow (C++) library.
# apt install liblapack-dev libatlas-dev
# python -m pip install scipy
$ ck install package:lib-tensorflow-1.9.0-src-static [--target_os=android23-arm64]
NB: Use --target_os=android23-arm64
to build for Android API 23 (v6.0
"Marshmallow") or
Install a TensorFlow model providing a frozen graph via:
$ ck install package --tags=tensorflowmodel,frozen
or directly via e.g.:
$ ck install package:tensorflowmodel-mobilenet-v1-1.0-224-py
$ ck install package:imagenet-2012-aux
$ ck install package --tags=dataset,imagenet,raw,val
$ ck compile program:image-classification-tf-cpp [--target_os=android23-arm64]
$ ck run program:image-classification-tf-cpp [--target_os=android23-arm64]
If set, the program will classify a single image instead of iterating over a dataset. When only the name of an image is specified, it is assumed that the image is in the ImageNet dataset.
$ ck run program:image-classification-tf-cpp --env.CK_IMAGE_FILE=/tmp/images/path-to-image.jpg
$ ck run program:image-classification-tf-cpp --env.CK_IMAGE_FILE=ILSVRC2012_val_00000011.JPEG
If set to YES
, then all previously cached images will be erased.
Default: NO
The size of an intermediate image. If this preprocessing parameter is set to a value greater than the input image size defined by the model, input images will be first scaled to this size and then cropped to the input size.
For example, if --env.CK_TMP_IMAGE_SIZE=256
is specified for MobileNets
models with the input image resolution of 224, then input images will be first
resized to 256x256 and then cropped to 224x224.
Default: 0
The percentage of the central image region to crop. If this preprocessing parameter is set to a value between 0 and 100, then loaded images will be cropped according this percentage and then scaled to the input image size defined by the model.
Default: 87.5
is set and valid, this parameter is not used.
If set to YES
, then the mean value will be subtracted from the input image.
Default: YES